Thursday, August 21, 2008

Coming to a Close....

Well Hello friends! I am currently sitting 114 miles away from Mt Katahdin in Monson, Maine.

Ive got good news and bad news-

Bad news-

Its still raining
My facial hair looks like I am a 16 year old high school student....
Good News-
I hit 2,000 Miles!
I am still moving forward and I'm almost done!

Okay now I need a little group participation. With a show of hands please let me know if-

You have walked 2,000 miles this year? (Mine is raised!)

You recycle at home and work? (If your hand is not up, we are no longer friends)

If you've ever cried yourself to sleep because the weather was so bad? (okay, I haven't done that yet, but come close a few times)

Anyway I have seen the sun for a total of 2 hours this entire week. The shelter I staying in last night was freezing!!! It was 45 degrees....burrrrrr. I am a Georgia boy who is use to 100 degree days every day by now, so my body is a little confused!

I saw my first Moose the other day.....Holy COW!!! I am 6"1' and I MIGHT have come to the top of his leg. I would have gotten a picture of him, but my cameras were in my pack trying to stay dry. I have gotten use to the waste deep rushing river fords that keep happening on a daily basis here in Maine. I don't think I have enjoyed any of them....until the Kennebec. All I had to do was wave my hand, and a guy in a canoe came over to pick me up! The down side was all the rain has made the water level rise 15 feet in a couple of days so paddling across this thing was something serious. My arms still hurt a little bit.

Maine....oh Maine, You have tested my very soul. From climbing the Mahoosuc the most difficult mile on the trail as far as I'm concerned) up, down, crawl, climb, around, over, under, the boulders. To the steeeeeep ups and downs of Saddleback and the Bigelow's with 50mph wind. You have given my no views, no sun and only misery. But I still love you. Your trails are muddy and wet, but they are better than being back in the real world sitting in traffic.

Maine, you will be a state that I come back to. I can tell that you are beautiful when your dry. The lakes are breathtaking and the wildlife is everywhere.
115 mile to go. Getting ready to enter the "100 Mile Wilderness" to Mt Katahdin. I plan on summiting Katahdin with my Keep America Beautiful friend Rob on August 18th in the morning. Then I will get to an airport and fly home........ahhh home. wow I miss saying that.

I promise to blog as soon as I get home about Mt Katahdin and my overall Appalachian Trail experience and thoughts. I have posted some news videos and pictures from the trail, so make sure to check them out!!!
Thank you all for your support and kind words. Without you I would still be somewhere in Virginia....
T-Minus 10 days......

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